Welspun Living Inititavies in Envoirment Social & Governance

A Deep-Dive into Welspun Living's ESG Initiatives and Commitment to the UN SDGs


Leading the Textile Revolution Towards Sustainability

For decades now, Welspun Living has been among the brightest sparks at the forefront of the global textile industry, not just as a manufacturer of sustainable textiles and fabrics, but as a force for change and positive growth. Driven by the UN’s sustainability development goals and the resounding success of countless initiatives and projects, Welspun Living has spearheaded a textile revolution in order to attain sustainability, social responsibility and healthy governance into its everyday operations and make a positive impact on its affiliated communities. 

This process comes under the limelight as part of Vision 2045! Welspun Living is playing the role of a leader and a benchmark with its commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under Vision 2045. The company is leading by example with several of its ESG initiatives and setting a gold standard for development within society.

What is Vision 2045?

Vision 2045 is a global initiative with a mission to achieve the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2045, the 100th anniversary of the UN. These goals aim to tackle critical issues like poverty, inequality, and climate change.

Vision 2045 focuses on collaboration, particularly with businesses, to create innovative solutions that can address these global challenges. Their efforts center around three key themes:

  • Business Action: Encouraging businesses to play a central role in creating a sustainable future through a series of well-defined environmental, social and governance goals.
  • Innovation for Change: Highlighting the importance of technological advancements in achieving the SDGs.
  • Collaboration is Key: Stressing that achieving these ambitious goals requires a united effort from businesses, governments, and individuals around the world in alignment with environmental, social and corporate governance standards set by the UN.

Welspun Living is Leading by Example

Welspun Living is not just committed to crafting beautiful and comfortable homeware but also weaving a sustainable future. Their initiatives align perfectly with the goals outlined in Vision 2045 and the UN’s SDGs, contributing to a more equitable and environmentally conscious world.

Championing Clean Water (SDG 6):

Welspun Living's impressive 30 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Anjar plays a starring role. This remarkable facility recycles nearly 7 billion liters of wastewater annually. By treating wastewater to a reusable standard, Welspun Living is directly contributing to SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. This not only reduces the strain on freshwater resources but also helps prevent water pollution, ensuring cleaner waterways for communities.

Empowering Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 12):

The innovative Wel-Krishi program empowers local farmers. This initiative, aligned with SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, trains and encourages farmers to adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Wel-Krishi fosters a self-sufficient farming community, reduces reliance on harmful chemicals, and promotes eco-friendly methods that benefit the environment for generations to come.

Driving Energy Efficiency (SDG 7):

Welspun Living's commitment to sustainability extends beyond water and agriculture. Their comprehensive sustainability framework, encompassing environmental, social, and governance practices, prioritises responsible resource management. Recent energy-conservation initiatives directly contribute to SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. By implementing these practices, Welspun Living not only reduces its environmental footprint but also paves the way for a more sustainable future for the textile industry.

Promoting Sustainable Cotton Farming (SDG 12):

Welspun Living's dedication to ethical and sustainable practices extends to their cotton sourcing. They actively train their partner farmers to indulge in organic cotton farming. By encouraging farmers to avoid chemical fertilizers, Welspun Living fosters a healthier environment and promotes sustainable agricultural practices, aligning with SDG 12’s Responsible Consumption Goal.

Placing the Spotlight on Women Farmers (SDG 10):

Welspun has executed several initiatives designed to uplift and empower women from marginalized communities. The most prominent ones being its recent Equal Stock Initiative, and the SPUN initiative. The Equal Stock Initiative recognizes the importance of recognizing women farmers and their contribution to India’s gigantic agriculture industry in the digital space, whereas the SPUN initiative is designed to provide opportunities to rural women by training them to use recycled waste from Welspun’s manufacturing process and develop products. Both these initiatives are in alignment with the UN’s SDG 10 which aims to reduce inequalities.

The Equal Stock initiative aims to create a digital footprint for women farmers from across rural India by leveraging the power of search engine algorithms. Welspun generates approximately 187 tonnes of cloth waste annually from its textile manufacturing units. The SPUN initiative trains women to use this cloth waste and upcycle it into products such as cushions, rugs, gift accessories, bedding and quilts. Through the initiative, women from several villages across India have earned gainful employment and access to opportunities to grow their own enterprises.

Welspun Living's commitment to sustainable practices makes them a true leader in the textile industry. Their initiatives not only benefit the environment but also empower communities and contribute to a more sustainable future, echoing the core principles of Vision 2045.

Building a Sustainable Future, One Initiative at a Time

Welspun Living's commitment to the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) perfectly embodies the spirit of Vision 2045. Their dedication to clean water, empowered farmers, responsible resource management, and ethical sourcing practices are in alignment with the SDGs and contribute to a healthier planet for all.

By aligning their business goals with these critical sustainability objectives, Welspun Living is not only creating beautiful home textile products but also weaving a more sustainable future, one stitch at a time. Their efforts serve as an inspiration for businesses around the world to embrace sustainable practices and work together to achieve the ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2045. Let's all work towards a future where environmental responsibility and economic prosperity go hand in hand.